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Diversified business model for sustained profitability

At Branicks, we aim to deliver economic stability. Our diversified business model combines long-term earnings from our Commercial Portfolio with management income from our Institutional Business segment to boost our profitability while remaining independent of market cycles.

Diversified revenue streams,
sustained profitability

Our business model is one of a kind in the German market, and we’re proud of it. That’s because we can leverage our diversification to maintain economic stability and sustained profitability in a sometimes volatile sector.

The results speak for themselves. Over the years, we’ve consistently leveraged opportunities and increased profitability despite market cycles.

Our business model combines several sources of income. The first stems from our Commercial Portfolio, providing a steady stream of sustainable income from the management of properties in our proprietary portfolio. The second is generated through our Institutional Business in the form of recurrent management fees from a broad range of services for third-parties. In addition, we also derive income from structured investments.

  • Commercial Portfolio

    Our Commercial Portfolio segment (COP) consists of revenue streams from our proprietary portfolio and from our investments.

    Properties that we own and manage provide a steady stream of rental income and sales proceeds and contribute to the overall commercial success of our business. We also generate income in this segment from equity investments in some cases. Through our subsidiary VIB, we also contract as project developers for new logistics properties.

  • Institutional Business

    Our Institutional Business (IBU) segment includes all of our real estate investment services for institutional clients. We receive service fees for structuring and managing funds, club deals and separate accounts. These management earnings are for various elements of our active management service across all phases of the cycle: Setup and transaction fees for structuring investments and transfers, fees for ongoing asset and property management, development fees for value enhancement measures and performance fees for achieving defined targets. We also generate investment income from minority holdings in the investment products and projects that we manage.

Our 360-degree approach

Those who are passionate about real estate also have a unique view of it. That’s what sets us apart. We see the entire life cycle of a property and take an end-to-end approach.

Across the entire process, we offer our customers reliability, creativity and service excellence.

  • Match

    In this first phase, we bring everyone and everything together, matching the property with tenants and investors.

  • Transact

    In the second phase, we initiate and structure transactions to achieve growth and realise added value, utilising our deep market penetration and close ties to all relevant market players.

  • Operate

    Phase three includes active, sustainable and comprehensive management of the properties. With nine locations across Germany, we are able to cover all regional markets nationwide, giving us a significant advantage.

  • Develop

    The fourth phase focuses on first-class care of our real estate portfolio. Responsible stewardship ensures long-term value. In addition, we take steps to optimise and develop our investments for the long term, creating reliable added value.


Value creation

Our business covers the entire range of real estate services. From acquisition to target return, we have a team of top-notch experts, proven processes and the necessary efficiency to safeguard value, ensure good timing and deliver reliable results.

Enhancing value across the cycle

We see the big picture – the entire real estate cycle from acquisition to target return. And we stand out from the crowd because our value proposition goes far beyond financial resources. Our managerial expertise spans from one end of the value chain to the other.

The platform that makes the difference

The hallmark of our competitive edge is our integrated management platform. With our presence and expertise in Germany’s major economic centres and real estate markets, our market awareness runs deep. We know when and how to act – to identify and acquire properties with attractive risk/yield ratios and manage them long-term. That means seamless, proactive management with genuine transparency, efficient decision-making and the best possible timing.


Market screening and acquisition
Non-stop monitoring of the market and fast, well-coordinated access to investment opportunities – often as off-market transactions.


Secured cash flows
Close contact with tenants, potential occupiers and forward-looking letting management.


Efficiency and added value in operations management
Closely integrated property management that not only keeps an eye on property maintenance but can also implement added value measures in consultation with letting and asset management.


Proprietary property development capacities for revitalising and repositioning our portfolio properties with high value-adding potential.


Outstanding expert network combined with top contacts for fast, reliable and tailor-made transactions.


More than just numbers

There are plenty of KPIs for measuring financial success and achievement on the real estate market. But you cannot truly capture proximity, creativity, reliability and effective decision-making processes in numbers. And yet it’s these qualities that have consistently driven our progress. Our success is built on much more than our real estate; it’s built on our dynamic performers.

Our dynamic performers

It’s our talented team of people with passion and expertise who drive our projects and ensure our success. We have a unique team and vision. When asked what makes us stand out, our answer is always the same: dynamic performance. It’s our signature trait and the way customers experience our services – a fusion of speed, reliablility and creativity that creates a remarkable momentum and impressive results.