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Our sustainability goals

We manage our business proactive­ly in line with sustainability aspects by our experienced management. In our strategy, which we are conti­nuously developing, we set our­selves short- and medium-term goals.

Targets and KPIs

  • Environment

    Target KPIStatus Year-on-year change
    Establish a science-based climate pathway for our German business by 2023 or earlierClimate pathwayClimate pathway implemented at property and portfolio level¹Climate pathway created at portfolio level
    Reduce greenhouse gas emissions per square metre in the Commercial Portfolio by 2030 by at least 40 % compared to the 2018 base year.Δ t CO₂ e/sqm Commercial Portfolio in %-36%-7%
    Further expand the supply/purchase of renewable energyPercentage of renewable energy in the communal-area electricity supply for the company’s office premises owned by Branicks itself, and for the tenant electricity in the company’s rented office spaces100 % renewable energy for the company’s office premises owned by Branicks itself

    91 % for the tenant electricity in the company’s office premises
    ±0 % renewable energy for the company’s office premises owned by Branicks itself

    +8 percentage points for the tenant electricity in the company's office premises
    Number of buildings supplied with district heating or green gas in the Commercial Portfolio87 of 158 properties (55 %)95 of 195 properties (49 %)
    Number of buildings supplied with green electricity in the Commercial Portfolio³84 of 86 multi tenant properties (74 %)66 of 103 multi tenant properties (64 %)
    Increase the share of Green Buildings in the Commercial Portfolio to at least 20 % by the end of 2023 (Commercial Portfolio)Share of Green Buildings in GFA², based on the market value of the Commercial Portfolio43.6 %, target achieved+12.6 percentage points
    Increase the share of Green Buildings to at least 60 % by 2027 (Commercial Portfolio)Share of Green Buildings in GFA, based on the market value of the Commercial Portfolio43.6%New target

    ¹ Climate pathway for VIB properties to be implemented by mid-2024.
    ² Green Bond Framework
    ³ 93.5 % of communal-area electricity in the Commercial Portfolio from renewable energies (previous year: 89.5 %).

  • Social

    Targets (Branicks incl. VIB)KPIStatusYear-on-year change
    Maintain current level of male/female quotas at senior management level below Management BoardNumber of employees by gender category (m/f/d) below Management Board level¹52 % women
    48 % men
    –1 pp women
    +1 pp men
    Maintain current age structureNumber of employees by age category14 % ≤ 30 years
    57 % 31 – 50 years
    29 % ≥ 51 years
    +1 pp ≤ 30 years

    –7 pp 31 – 50 years
    +6 pp ≥ 51 years
    Targets (Branicks exkl. VIB)KPIStatusYear-on-year change
    Increase the proportion of women at executive level 1 (extended executive level including regional managers) by 30 June 2027 to 28.125 % (9/32)Overall proportion of women at executive level² (extended executive level including regional managers)37.5 %, target achieved ahead of schedule+6.5 pp
    Increase the proportion of women on the Management Board by 30 June 2027 to 25 % (1/4)Overall proportion of women on the Management Board 25 %, target achieved ahead of schedule+/–0 %
    Increase the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board by 30 June 2027 to 16.66 % (1/6)Overall proportion of women on the Supervisory Board16.66 %, target achieved ahead of schedule+/– 0%

    ¹ At present, Branicks Group AG is unable to provide information on the “diverse” gender identity.
    ² Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reuter left the Supervisory Board as at 31 December 2023. Since then, the Supervisory Board has consisted of five members (one woman, four men). This has raised the proportion of women on the control body to 20 %.

  • Governance

    Target KPIStatus Year-on-year change
    Continuous increase in FFOFFO (after minority interests) compared to previous yearEUR 51.9 million-55 %
    Increasing the share of green financial instruments to around 40-50 % by 2027 Overall share of green instruments on the financing side as a proportion of total assets16 %¹+1 pp
    Maintain or improve performance in relevant ESG ratings ESG rating resultsSustainalytics: Improvement to 6.9 S&P
    CSA: Improvement to 38
    Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP – Climate Change): C
    MSCI ESG: Improvement to AA ISS ESG: D+
    EPRA sBPR: Gold
    Sustainalytics: 9.2 S&P

    CSA: 26
    Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP – Climate Change): C
    ISS ESG: D+
    EPRA sBPR: Gold
    Continue to prevent misconduct by taking appropriate preventive actionNumber of reported compliance violations as well as actions takenZero reported compliance violations;
    Zero actions taken
    Zero reported compliance violations;
    Zero actions taken
    Number of training hours: employees incl. Management Board members3,563 hours+78.5 %

    ¹ Absolute share remained at EUR 772 million.

Green Building certifications according to DGNB, BREEAM und LEED

of the Commercial Portfolio by market value are Green Buildings


ESG Ratings

Branicks counts among the sustain­ability leaders in the international real es­tate industry.

  • Sustainalytics: Awarded Industry Top Rated, Regional Top Rated and Global 50 Top Rated (in the period from 1 January until 31 December 2024)
  • EPRA sBPR: Gold award for ESG-Reporting 2023, 2022, 2021
  • Sustainalytics: improved from 6.8 to 5.7 (1 October 2024)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP – Climate Change): improved from C to B (31 December 2023)
  • MSCI – ESG Research: improved from A to AA (Januar 2023)
  • ISS ESG: constant at D+ (24 September 2024)
  • S&P CSA-Rating: improved from  38 to 51 (March 2024)
  • branicks-social-impact-day
  • branicks-social-impact-day
  • branicks-social-impact-day

    Our Social Impact Days

    December 2023 – “Christmas Trees on Wheels”
    In the run-up to Christmas, employees supported the Bürgerinstitut Frankfurt’s ‘Christmas trees on wheels’ campaign. As part of this campaign, the Bürgerinstitut prepared around 1,000 glowing Christmas trees and a small gift with a handwritten card and delivered them personally to senior citizens in Frankfurt and the surrounding area during the Advent season. Around 300 trees contained a personalised Christmas greeting from our employees.

    June 2023 – Praunheimer Werkstätten, Frankfurt
    Under the motto “Tackling for a good cause”, a team of volunteers went to the Praunheimer Werkstätten in Frankfurt – same as in 2022 – to renovate various communal and living areas. They also planted new herb beds and a “snack garden” with berry bushes.

    February 2023 – Donations for earthquake victims
    Employees organised a donation campaign on their own initiative for the people affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. They collected urgently needed non-monetary items and handed them over to international aid organisations.


    November 2022 – Painting project at Praunheimer Werkstätten, Frankfurt
    Employees from different departments and locations painted the walls of the work and living rooms at the Praunheimer Werkstätten facilities.

    April 2022 – Ukraine aid
    A team of Branicks volunteers comple­tely furnished two empty flats for two refugee families from Ukraine, so that they could move into their new homes shortly afterwards.

    November 2021 – Ahrtal aid
    Employees supported people in need following the flood disaster and helped to gut a former hotel that had been badly affected by the floods.

    Taking New Approaches

    ESG-Linked Promissory Note

    With the issuance of an ESG-linked pro­missory note, we are once again engaging in a pioneering effort within our industry.

    By linking the interest rates to reliably measurable sustainability metrics, we define concrete guidelines for our invest­ment and refurbishment activities. Our objective is to raise our green building ratio in our own portfolio (Commercial Portfolio) to at least 20% by the end of 2023.

    Clearing this mark will bring down the interest rate for subsequent interest rate periods by 5 basis points.

    A positive contribution to climate change mitigation will simultaneously lower our finance expense – clearly a win-win arrangement.


    Interest rate effects of the green building ratio

    • Issuance volume of EUR 250 million
    • Annual average interest rate of 1.78%
    • Average maturity 4.2 years
    • Review of the ratio in the years 2023, 2026 and 2029
    • If the green building ratio rises above 20%, the interest rate for the subse­quent interest rate period will decline by 5 basis points

    Branicks and its employees are sustainably involved in various industry associations and organizations, including:

    The latest information

    News and notes


    Branicks Group AG: HELIO Augsburg fully let after leasing to MyWellness GmbH


    Branicks wins listed US company as additional tenant for Zircon Tower, Wiesbaden


    Branicks has won another tenant for “Neustadt Centrum” in Halle with Smyths Toys


    Branicks Group AG: Sale of logistics center in Hochheim


    Branicks Group AG sells former Horten-Kaufhaus in Bremen city center


    Branicks Group AG: 9-month figures confirm positive development in 2024