DIC Asset AG / Transaction in Own SharesRelease of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted byDGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------DIC Asset AG (WKN 509840/ ISIN DE0005098404) announces that solviaVermögensverwaltung GmbH, from Braunschweig, has joined as a new strategicinvestor through the purchase of a nearly 5% share stake. DIC Asset AG,which operates on the German commercial real estate market, sold a shareblock acquired from the recently completed buyback programme to the privateasset manager for around EUR 10 million. solvia purchased the approximately1.5 million shares (4.7 percent stake) at a unit price of EUR 6.50. DICAsset had acquired the share block during the period from 10 October 2008to 10 February 2009 at an average price of around EUR 4.90. Previously,solvia held 0.4 percent of the shares in DIC Asset and, in recent years,had fostered business contacts with DIC during direct propertytransactions. Both parties also agreed on a lock up-clause under whichsolvia will agree not to sell the share block until the end of 2010.The new shareholder structure is as follows: DIC Group 39.4%, MorganStanley Real Estate Funds 10.4%, solvia Vermögensverwaltung 5.1%, freefloat 45.1%.Investor Relations:Ina LackGrünhof · Eschersheimer Landstraße 22360320 Frankfurt am MainFon. +49 69 9454858-58Fax +49 69 9454858-99ir@dic-asset.de20.05.2009 Financial News transmitted by DGAP---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: EnglishIssuer: DIC Asset AG Eschersheimer Landstr. 223 60320 Frankfurt DeutschlandPhone: +49 69 9454858-0Fax: +49 69 9454858-99E-mail: info@dic-asset.deInternet: www.dic-asset.deISIN: DE0005098404WKN: 509840Indices: S-DAXListed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin, Hannover, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf End of News DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------