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DIC combines asset and property management activities

DIC Asset AG / MiscellaneousAnnouncement transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------With immediate effect, the Frankfurt-based DIC Asset AG will be handlingits asset and property management activities through DIC ONSITE GmbH, whichhas been established by the renaming of FAY Property Management GmbH. Thiscompany was also taken over during the purchase of the FAY propertyportfolio by DIC. By means of this renaming and repositioning, it providesthe strategically important asset and property management business segmentwith a separate market appearance, in close proximity to DIC, and lays thefoundation for achieving further expansion potentials.DIC Asset AG currently holds 74.9 per cent of DIC ONSITE GmbH, the FAYGroup holds 25.1 per cent. At the start, DIC ONSITE has a staff of 40employees. The managing directors are Marc Balkenhol (39) and Jörg-DieterRünzler (42).The strategic repositioning also consists of an expansion in the network ofbranches of DIC Asset AG. In addition to offices in Frankfurt, Mannheim andDüsseldorf, branches will now be opened in Hamburg and Berlin. As aconsequence, DIC ONSITE now manages the diversified property portfolio ofDIC Asset AG throughout Germany directly from the geographic centres of theportfolio. At present, DIC ONSITE manages around 300 properties with atotal value of 2.2 billion euros. In a further expansion stage, there areplans for DIC ONSITE to actively offer its services to external customersin the market from 2008 onwards.Ulrich Höller, Chairman of the Board (CEO) of DIC Asset AG: 'We defineasset and property management as a decisive value creating approach, whichcan provide a significant contribution towards a growth strategy.Consequently, it is very important for us to take into account the dynamicgrowth of DIC Asset and to operate in close proximity to the tenants andproperties. The development of our presence throughout Germany by means ofnew branch offices is characteristic of this philosophy.'DIC ONSITE – Managing Director Marc Balkenhol: 'The central success factorin our business is close proximity to tenants and properties. As aconsequence, our competent teams are successively moving to the geographiccentres of the DIC properties so as to be able to provide efficient realestate and a first-class service in close proximity to ourcustomers.'DIC/Investor Relations:Stephan GramkowGrünhof · Eschersheimer Landstraße 22360320 Frankfurt am MainFon. (069) 27 40 33-10Fax (069) 27 40 DGAP 15.02.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       DIC Asset AG              Eschersheimer Landstr. 223              60320 Frankfurt DeutschlandPhone:        069 / 274033-0Fax:          069 / 274033-69E-mail:       info@dic-asset.deWWW:          www.dic-asset.deISIN:         DE0005098404WKN:          509840Indices:      S-DAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in              Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------