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DIC Asset AG successfully concluded its second capital increase in 2006

DIC Asset AG / Capital IncreaseAnnouncement transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------This press release must not be distributed to, or within, the United Statesof America, Canada, Japan, and Australia.DIC Asset AG (German Securities ID 509840 / ISIN DE0005098404) announcedtoday that it has successfully concluded its capital increase. The companyraised approx. € 185 million net proceeds by issuing 8.16 million of newshares, increasing the company’s share capital from € 20.34 million to €28.5 million. The subscription ratio was 99.96 per cent. The subscriptionperiod for the new shares commenced on 29 November 2006 and ended on 12December 2006. In addition, approx. 2.1 million new shares not subscribedfor by the major shareholders were successfully placed with domestic andinternational investors, at a price of € 27.00 per share.The shareholder structure of DIC Asset AG has changed upon conclusion ofthe capital increase and the placement of the shares, with the free floatincreasing from 39.2 per cent to 46.6 per cent. The holdings of DICDeutsche Immobilien Chancen Group is now 37.6 per cent (previously: 42.8per cent); Forum S.à.r.l holds 6.6 per cent (previously: 7.5 per cent), andMorgan Stanley Real Estate Funds approx. 9.2 per cent (previously: 10.5 percent).Ulrich Höller, Chairman of the Management Board of DIC Asset AG, said that'Our two successful capital increases have raised approx. € 400 million innew funds this year. This is visible proof of the strong confidence ourshareholders have in DIC Asset AG’s future. We have therefore built a soundfoundation for continued dynamic growth. At the same time, we havesufficient scope for manoeuvre to participate in the opportunities whichwill arise in the German real estate markets.'The 8,160,000 new shares were offered to shareholders for subscription at aprice of € 23.50, and subject to a subscription ratio of two new shares foreach five shares held (excluding a fractional amount of 24,000 shares). Thenew shares carry full dividend rights for the financial year 2006. DeutscheBank and Morgan Stanley acted as joint bookrunners.DIC Asset AG will use the net issue proceeds to finance furtheracquisitions of real estate assets up to one billion Euro. Initialtransactions are expected to be concluded shortly.DIC Asset AG had already increased its equity base by € 214 million netproceeds through a capital increase in the spring of 2006 to enable thecompany to capitalise more fully on market opportunities as they arose.With an aggregate transaction volume of approximately one billion Eurosince May 2006, these funds have been invested to a large extent already.The new capital increase will provide the resources required tosuccessfully maintain the growth momentum in DIC Asset AG’s business.About DIC Asset AGEstablished in 2002, DIC Asset AG, with registered offices inFrankfurt/Main, is a real estate company with a dedicated investment focuson commercial real estate in Germany, pursuing a return-oriented investmentpolicy. DIC Asset AG’s real estate portfolio currently includes around810,000 m² of floor space, spread over 269 properties. The portfolio isdivided into three segments: the Core portfolio includes the proprietaryportfolio held on a long-term basis and offering stable, attractive rentalyields; the Value-Added portfolio contains real estate with promisingperformance potential over the medium term; while the OpportunisticCo-Investments portfolio is comprised of real estate investments that havea more pronounced risk/return profile, which will be placed with thirdparties following a repositioning under an individual business plan. Realestate assets under management currently amount to approx. € 2,1 billion.DIC Asset AG has been included in the SDAX segment of the Frankfurt StockExchange since June 2006.This publication constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation tobuy securities of DIC Asset AG. The securities have already been sold.This press release does not constitute an offer to buy securities in theUS. In the US, securities may only be sold or offered for sale afterregistration in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Securities Actof 1933 as amended or, without prior registration, if an exemption applies.DIC Asset AG does not intend to register the offer, in whole or in part, inthe US or to carry out a public offer in the US.This message is exclusively intended for persons who are either (i) outsidethe United Kingdom; or (ii) who are investment professionals as defined inarticle 19 (5) of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FinancialPromotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the 'Order); or (iii) who fulfil thedefinitions in article 49 (2) lit. (a) to (d) of the Order (high net worthcompanies, unincorporated associations, etc.) (persons meeting the criteriain (i) to (iii) are jointly referred to as 'Relevant Persons' below). Noperson other than a Relevant Person may take action based upon this noticeor the content thereof, nor rely upon the notice. Any investment orinvesting activity in relation to this notice shall only be available toRelevant Persons, and will exclusively be entered into with RelevantPersons.Investor RelationsStephan GramkowGrünhof · Eschersheimer Landstraße 22360320 Frankfurt am MainFon. (069) 27 40 33-10Fax (069) 27 40 DGAP 13.12.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       DIC Asset AG              Eschersheimer Landstr. 223              60320 Frankfurt DeutschlandPhone:        069 / 274033-0Fax:          069 / 274033-69E-mail:       info@dic-asset.deWWW:          www.dic-asset.deISIN:         DE0005098404WKN:          509840Indices:      S-DAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in              Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------