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DIC Asset AG: Straight bond of up to EUR 100 million at 5,875 percent

DIC Asset AG / Key word(s): Bond29.04.2011 / 14:23Straight bond of up to EUR 100 million at 5,875 percentThe SDAX-listed real estate investor DIC Asset AG (WKN 509840/ISINDE0005098404) has now finalised the terms for its previously announcedcorporate bond (straight bond). The five-year unsubordinated corporate bondhas a volume of up to EUR 100 million and pays interest of 5,875 percent.The issue price is 100 percent of the nominal amount. The subscriptionperiod runs from 5 to 11 May 2011 and can be ended prematurely in the eventof oversubscription. The scheduled initial listing date is 16 May 2011. Thedebentures are to be offered to private and institutional investors inGermany and Austria within the framework of a public offering. They areavailable for subscription in denominations of EUR 1,000 and are admittedin the OTC trading of Deutsche Börse AG (Segment Entry Standard for bonds).DIC Asset AG is the first listed real estate company in Germany to offersuch a large-volume straight bond to the capital market. For the company,the bond constitutes an additional flexible and attractive opportunity fordebt financing above and beyond the classic mortgage loan, to which it iscomplementary. In March of this year, DIC Asset AG acquired new capitalresources through an EUR 50 million capital increase, which wasoversubscribed to a factor of five. The new funds - from both the capitalincrease and the placement of the bond - are predominantly to be used toenable DIC to react quickly and flexibly to attractive purchaseopportunities on the market. This will permit DIC Asset AG to generatefurther growth and secure additional revenue and wealth creation.The bond offers an attractive opportunity to participate in the successenjoyed by DIC Asset AG: with a balanced real estate portfolio (assetsunder management over EUR 3 billion), DIC Asset AG has been generatingstable revenue and profits for many years. The main reason for this successis its in-house asset and property management service, which guaranteesprofessional property management and letting from six locations in Germanywhile retaining geographical proximity to its tenants. The company is soundand recently reduced its debt ratio by a significant degree andstrengthened its capital base. DIC Asset AG's steady flows of income fromleasing activities provide a reliable cash flow, which complements atargeted sales strategy that exploits the added value generated in astrategic manner.The positive leasing situation and stability of the business model arecharacterised by three factors: the properties are attractively situated inline with market requirements exclusively in German cities, are in goodcondition and are geared towards tenants' requirements; the very broadtenant base of DIC properties is characterised by sound credit ratings; andthe tenancy agreements have long terms of over five years on average; forinstance, around 22 percent of rental income comes from public-sectortenants.Because it is listed on the stock exchange and a member of the SDAX, DICAsset AG has to comply with high transparency standards. Comprehensivequarterly reporting on the financial results ensures close monitoring. Forthis reason, no rating is required for this bond within the scope of itslisting on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt. Apart from its SDAXinclusion for several years, DIC Asset AG is represented in the establishedEuropean real estate index EPRA, resulting in high levels of confidence ofGerman and international investors.Interested investors can subscribe to the debentures via their home ordirect bank at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as well as via the globalcoordinator and bookrunner Berenberg Bank, Hamburg, as well as theco-manager Solventis Wertpapierhandelsbank, Düsseldorf. A bindingcommitment by both banks in the acquisition and placement agreement meansthat a placement volume of at least EUR 60 million is guaranteed. Theprospectus necessary for the public offering is approved by the GermanFederal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and is available on thecompany's website ( Höller, CEO of DIC Asset AG: 'With the DIC bond, investors areinvesting in a real estate company that has remained profitable andinnovative for many years and that is invested exclusively in Germany, themost stable market in Europe for commercial real estate.'DisclaimerThis press release represents neither an offer to sell nor a request tosubmit an offer to buy or subscribe to securities from DIC Asset AG, butinstead merely serves to provide information. This press release and theinformation contained therein are not intended for distribution, eitherdirectly or indirectly, in or within the United States of America, Canada,Australia or Japan.The public offering for the debentures will be made solely on the basis ofthe prospectus approved by the German Federal Financial SupervisoryAuthority on 29 April, which is available free of charge from the company'swebsite ( and on the website of theFrankfurt Stock Exchange and from DIC Asset AG, Eschersheimer Landstraße223, 60320 Frankfurt, Germany. The prospectus is the only applicabledocument for the planned offering and contains the information required forinvestors according to the statutory provisions.This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-lookingstatements are statements which do not describe facts in the past, butinstead use terms such as 'believe', 'assume', 'expect', 'presume','estimate', 'plan', 'intend', 'might', or similar formulations. By theirvery nature, these forward-looking statements are subject to risks anduncertainties, as they refer to future events and are based on currentassumptions and estimates by DIC Asset AG, which may not occur at all, ornot as expected, in the future. They therefore do not represent a guaranteefor the occurrence of future events or actions on the part of DIC Asset AG,and the actual financial situation and the results of DIC Asset AG actuallyachieved, as well as the overall economic development and legal frameworkconditions, can differ significantly from the expectations expressly orimplicitly assumed in the statements about the future and may not fulfilthem. Investors are therefore warned not to base their investment decisionsin respect of DIC Asset AG on the forward-looking statements expressedhere.DIC Asset AG does not accept any obligation to update or correctforward-looking statements contained herein about future events ordevelopments insofar as there is no legal obligation to do so.Further information about DIC Asset AG can be found on the Internet DIC Asset AG:Established in 2002, DIC Asset AG, with its registered office in Frankfurtam Main, is a real estate company with a dedicated investment focus oninvesting in commercial real estate in Germany, pursuing a return-orientedinvestment policy. The portfolio is divided into three segments. The Coreplus portfolio includes the proprietary portfolio held on a long-term basisand offering stable, attractive rental yields. The Value-Added portfoliocontains real estate with promising performance potential over the mediumterm; while the Co-Investments segment comprises minority investments inother real estate segments. This includes opportunistic investments,development projects as well as the Funds business segment, where thecompany invests in first-class core properties. DIC Asset AG has beenlisted on the SDAX index since June 2006 and is represented in theinternational EPRA Index of the most important real estate companies inEurope.Facts and figures Bond:Securities category Bearer debentureISIN DE000A1KQ1N3WKN  A1KQ1NListing Frankfurt Entry StandardIssue volume Up to EUR 100 million, up to 100,000 debentures Denomination (nominal amount) EUR 1,000 per debentureInterest rate 5,875 percent per annumIssue date 16 May 2011Term 5 yearsEarly redemption Possible after two yearsSubscription period 5 May 2011 to 11 May 2011, subject to extension orreductionEnterprise data (IFRS): 2010 2009Total earnings  EUR 228.8 million EUR 171.3 millionCash flow from operating activities   EUR 37.7 million EUR 38.7 millionEquity ratio               28.6 percent 24.0 percentafter 2011 capital increase  approx. 30 percent Net asset value    EUR 598.5 million EUR 497.1 millionDebt    EUR 1,376.1 million EUR 1,588.9 millionTotal assets  EUR 2,050.0 million EUR 2,213.4 millionEnd of Corporate News---------------------------------------------------------------------29.04.2011 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - acompany of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and    English                                                Company:     DIC Asset AG                                                        Eschersheimer Landstr. 223                                          60320 Frankfurt                                                     Deutschland                                            Phone:       +49 69 9454858-0                                       Fax:         +49 69 9454858-99                                      E-mail:                                      Internet:                                       ISIN:        DE0005098404                                           WKN:         509840                                                 Listed:      Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);                    Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover,               München, Stuttgart                                       End of News    DGAP News-Service  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  122228 29.04.2011