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DIC Asset AG publishes results for 2006: strong growth with sound profitability.

DIC Asset AG / Final ResultsRelease of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted byDGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------DIC Asset AG (German Securities ID 509840 / ISIN DE0005098404) todaypresents its financial statements for the 2006 financial year. The resultsclearly show that DIC succeeded in maintaining its growth momentum,together with continued high profitability and based on a sound earningsbase.DIC Asset AG significantly expanded its presence throughout Germany during2006, having acquired 200 properties involving total investments of around€ 1.5 billion. The company’s total assets significantly exceeded the onebillion Euro mark at the year-end, amounting to € 1.34 billion (31 Dec2005: € 370 million). DIC Asset AG commissioned external surveyors toconduct a market valuation. The survey, which was carried out as at 31December 2006, substantiates a net asset value per share of € 21.34 (2005:€ 13.98). The added value (comparing the book value to the market value) ofproperties held (including participations) increased by € 46.9 million to €71.0 million, which is also reflected in the net asset value.Total revenues for 2006 were € 67.8 million higher than during the previousyear, at € 110.9 million (2005 € 43.1 million). Rental income was upstrongly, by € 20.3 million (up 90 per cent) to € 38.4 million, mainly as aresult of the significant expansion in the real estate portfolio: floorspace tripled since the end of 2005, to more than 730,000 m2. In thiscontext, purchases of properties carried out during the second half of 2006were only partially taken into account.At the same time, total expenses grew to € 82.4 million (2005: € 28.4million). This increase – which was fully in line with projections – wasdue to the significant expansion in operating activity, and to the growthin the real estate portfolio (€ 1.3 billion in 2006, compared with € 340million in 2005).EBITDA (earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation andamortisation) doubled to € 37.0 million (2005: € 18.7 million). At € 40.5million, cash generated from operations nearly tripled from theprevious year.FFO (Funds From Operations, calculated as earnings before interest andtaxes, profits from disposals and development projects, and investmentincome) tripled to € 21.8 million, an increase of approx. € 14.4 million(2005: € 7.4 million). EBTDA (earnings before taxes and depreciation) wasup € 16.4 million, to € 28.4 million (2005: € 8.1 million). Profit for theperiod (after deduction of depreciation and taxes) for the year doubledto € 15.0 million (2005: € 6.4 million). Earnings per share remainedvirtually unchanged at the high level of 2005, at € 0.85 (2005: € 0.87)despite the capital increases.The Management Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting to increasethe dividend to € 0.75 per share, a 34 per cent increase compared to 2005(€ 0.56 per share). In the company’s view this dividend reflects adequatelythe successful operative results in 2006. With this proposal DIC Asset AGcontinues its dividend policy, offering a high dividend payment rate.The DIC Asset AG share price also reflected this pronounced expansionduring 2006, outperforming its benchmarks: its 67.9 per cent gain puts theshare well ahead of the SDAX (+31 per cent outperformance) and theEPRA/NAREIT Europe index (+48 per cent), the benchmark index for Europeanreal estate issues.Two capital increases carried out during 2006 supported DIC Asset AG’sstrategic expansion, placing altogether € 400 million for future growth.The free float increased from below 5 per cent at the end of 2005 tocurrently 55 per cent.To manage its € 2.1 billion portfolio in as efficient and tenant-friendlymanner as possible, DIC Asset AG has with DIC ONSITE established a assetmanagement platform with own offices in Frankfurt, Mannheim, Dusseldorf,Hamburg and Berlin. The strategic nation-wide network is the base forfurther qualitative growth.Based on its current portfolio, DIC Asset AG plans to more than double itsprofit once again in 2007. This will be supported by active asset andproperty management, together with realised profits from regular sales ofreal estate. On this base the company expects earnings (after depreciationand taxes) of € 32 to 35 million.Looked back on 2005, the company had concluded the first stage of itsstrategy by establishing DIC Asset AG and getting the business ready forthe IPO. This was followed by the second strategic step in 2006: a strongexpansion, which resulted in the company’s inclusion in the SDAX index.2007 will see the third stage of the company’s strategy. This will becharacterised by significant market penetration, which DIC Asset AG willachieve by way of further acquisitions of profitable properties worth up toa billion euros. This will create the prerequisites for admission into theMDAX on a medium-term horizon. Having integrated DIC ONSITE, DIC Asset hasbuilt the optimum foundation for future growth in terms of asset andproperty management.Investor Relations:Stephan GramkowGrünhof · Eschersheimer Landstraße 22360320 Frankfurt am MainFon. +49-69-9454858-39Fax DGAP 29.03.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       DIC Asset AG              Eschersheimer Landstr. 223              60320 Frankfurt DeutschlandPhone:        069 / 274033-0Fax:          069 / 274033-69E-mail:       info@dic-asset.dewww:          www.dic-asset.deISIN:         DE0005098404WKN:          509840Indices:      S-DAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in              Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------