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DIC Asset AG acquires German portfolio from SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH

DIC Asset AG / MiscellaneousAnnouncement, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------The Frankfurt-based real-estate investment company DIC Asset AG acquired adiversified property portfolio with 26 objects and around 263,000 sqm offloor space from the SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH investment company in abidding contest, which was advised by CB Richard Ellis. The totalinvestment sum, including transaction costs, is around EUR 460 million.Both sides agreed to maintain silence about the exact purchase price. Thenewly acquired office and commercial properties are located in variousGerman cities such as München, Hannover, Duisburg, Darmstadt, Essen,Mannheim and Hamburg. The objects are predominantly leased to prime tenantssuch as the Federal State of Hessen, the Deutsche Bahn, GE Money Bank andSaturn. The average lease length is approximately seven years. The rentalincome of EUR 26.5 million p.a. ensures a solid cash flow base for DICAsset AG. DIC Asset AG plans to reduce the current vacancy rate of 15%. Theportfolio diversification of 60% offices, 18% retail and other commercialreal estate such as logistics ideally fits the investment strategy of DICAsset AG. The individual properties will be included in both the core aswell as the value-added segment of the company and portfolio strategy. DICAsset AG was advised by Landesbank Berlin AG during the transaction.Ulrich Höller, Chairman of the Board (CEO) of DIC Asset AG: ' The purchaseof this valuable portfolio is the start of the announced implementation ofour third strategy level, which will be characterised by significant marketpenetration. We are planning further acquisitions this year with a totalinvestment volume of at least one billion euro.''With this sale, we have used the current market conditions to optimise ourportfolio. In the course of growth, it was important for us to reduce thenumber of smaller objects from the early days of the fund. The sale willpositively affect performance', Barbara Knoflach, Chairman of the Board ofthe SEB Asset Management AG and Managing Director of the SEB ImmobilienInvestment GmBH explained this strategic step. SEB wants to continue takingadvantage of domestic investment opportunities for their internationallyoriented funds. 'Even after the transactions are complete, Germany, witharound 50 objects, remains an important market for the SEB funds.'About DIC Asset AGEstablished in 2002, DIC Asset AG, with registered offices inFrankfurt/Main, is a real estate company with a dedicated investment focuson commercial real estate in Germany, pursuing a return-oriented investmentpolicy. With this transaction, DIC Asset AG’s real estate portfolioincludes more than one billion sqm of floor space, spread over 288properties. The portfolio is divided into three segments: the Coreportfolio includes the proprietary portfolio held on a long-term basis andoffering stable, attractive rental yields; the Value-Added portfoliocontains real estate with promising performance potential over the mediumterm; while the Opportunistic Co-Investments portfolio is comprised of realestate investments that have a more pronounced risk/return profile, whichwill be placed with third parties following a repositioning under anindividual business plan. Real estate assets under management currentlyamount to approx. EUR 2.6 billion. DIC Asset AG has been included in theSDAX segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since June 2006.About SEB Immobilien Investment GmbHThe real estate investment company, SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH, belongsto SEB Asset Management Deutschland, a part of the SEB concern.  Thebusiness segments of SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH comprise funds,portfolio and real estate management, including commercial and technicalbuilding management. It currently administrates a fund asset of around EUR6.3 billion in three real estate mutual funds.SEB Asset Management stands for the combination of international expertisewith local know-How. Our investment approach is characterised by activemanagement in small, specialised investment teams. SEB Asset Managementmanages a volume of EUR 19.7 billion in the form of mutual funds, specialfunds and discretionary portfolio management (as of the end of 2006).DIC Asset AG/Investor RelationsStephan GramkowGrünhof · Eschersheimer Landstraße 22360320 Frankfurt am MainFon. (069) 9 45 48 58-39Fax (069) 9 45 48 DGAP 06.04.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       DIC Asset AG              Eschersheimer Landstr. 223              60320 Frankfurt DeutschlandPhone:        +49 69 9454858-0Fax:          +49 69 9454858-99E-mail:       info@dic-asset.dewww:          www.dic-asset.deISIN:         DE0005098404WKN:          509840Indices:      S-DAXListed:       Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in              Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------